You are always welcome at the UUCTC. We embrace many beliefs, welcome all genders and orientations, and are accessible to people with different abilities.

We change lives for the better. As you explore our website and learn about our congregation, feel free to contact us with your questions.

Attire can be anything from casual to your Sunday best. Whatever makes you most comfortable is just fine. Don’t worry – you’ll fit right in.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you find what you need.

How to find us >

What to Expect in Worship

We gather in worship to find spiritual resonance and live lives with deeper meaning. Worship creates connections within, among, and beyond us. Worship calls us to our better selves. It calls us to live with wisdom and compassion.

Unitarian Universalist worship styles vary. Some congregations are contemporary and high-tech. Some are traditional and formal. Some feature exuberant music or include long periods of silent reflection. Our congregation is dynamic. We are fortunate to have a very experienced UU Minister, Rev. Dr. Paul S. Johnson, and accomplished UU music director, Sue Lorimier. We enjoy many guest speakers to our Sunday pulpit who bring fresh topics and perspectives to our community.

Our worship services typically include:

  • lighting a flaming chalice, the symbol of our faith
  • a multi-generational segment, such as a story for all ages
  • lovely music and singing – from hymns to classics and pop.
  • time for lifting up the joys and concerns of the congregation
  • a meditation or prayer
  • a sermon by a minister, guest speaker, or congregation member
  • a collection for the congregation, or for justice work in the community.

From time to time, worships incorporate holiday celebrations, multi-generational plays, longer musical performances or other celebrations. Services are followed by a social gathering with snacks and refreshments.

All are welcome here. You don’t have to be of a particular faith to worship with us. UUs believe in drawing wisdom from all the faiths of the world.